If you want to have in-depth experience of Huizhouculture, a time-honored cultural icon, you should notmiss Anhui cuisine.
Anhui Cuisine, a perfect combination of color, taste,and nutrition, is one of the eight major Chinesecuisines. It was originated in the Qin and Han dynasties, thrived in the Tang and Song dynasties, and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties.
“Anhui Cuisine can be represented by three kinds of typical dishes—Yipin Hot Pot, Stinky Mandarin Fish and Stinky Tofu, as well as Gyrophora, Chukar, and Grouper.” said Wang Zhiguo, the inheritor of Anhui Cuisine said in Jixi county, the home of Anhui Cuisine.
If you want to have in-depth experience of Huizhouculture, a time-honored cultural icon, you should notmiss Anhui cuisine.
Anhui Cuisine, a perfect combination of color, taste,and nutrition, is one of the eight major Chinesecuisines. It was originated in the Qin and Han dynasties, thrived in the Tang and Song dynasties, and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties.
“Anhui Cuisine can be represented by three kinds of typical dishes—Yipin Hot Pot, Stinky Mandarin Fish and Stinky Tofu, as well as Gyrophora, Chukar, and Grouper.” said Wang Zhiguo, the inheritor of Anhui Cuisine said in Jixi county, the home of Anhui Cuisine.
Hu Shi, a famous Anhui litterateur in the 20th century, served his friend Liang Shiqiu, another well-known litterateur, with Yipin Hot Pot when the latter was visitinghim. Therefore, Yipin Hot Pot is also called Hu Shi Hot Pot.
Liang described this dish as follows, “The soup in the big iron pot was still boiling when it was brought onto the table.
There were layers of chicken, duck, and tofu puff laid on vegetables, with some egg dumplings dotted on the top.”
Hu Shi, a famous Anhui litterateur in the 20th century, served his friend Liang Shiqiu, another well-known litterateur, with Yipin Hot Pot when the latter was visitinghim. Therefore, Yipin Hot Pot is also called Hu Shi Hot Pot.
Liang described this dish as follows, “The soup in the big iron pot was still boiling when it was brought onto the table.
There were layers of chicken, duck, and tofu puff laid on vegetables, with some egg dumplings dotted on the top.”
It is said that Yipin Hot Pot was named by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. He once asked for food when he passed by a farmhouse in Jixi, and the host cooked all the leftovers in one pot. Qianlong was impressed by its rich taste, so he himself named it—Yipin Hot Pot (which means you can savor the tastes of various food in just one pot).
It is said that Yipin Hot Pot was named by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. He once asked for food when he passed by a farmhouse in Jixi, and the host cooked all the leftovers in one pot. Qianlong was impressed by its rich taste, so he himself named it—Yipin Hot Pot (which means you can savor the tastes of various food in just one pot).
Stinky Mandarin Fish and Stinky Tofu are both underestimated delicacy. The smellier the food is, the more delicious it tastes.
The authentically flavored mandarin fish must be pickled first. Then, put the fish into a hot pan containing cold oil, and fry it until it turns brown. After that, flavor it with specially-made soup, simmer it for several minutes, and turn to high heat until all sauce is absorbed. Now you have a plate of delicious mandarin fish.
Almost all foodies cannot resist the temptation of Stinky Tofu. Take a bite of the golden tofu topped off with red chili sauce, and it will definitely tickle your taste buds for being crispy outside but tender inside.
Stinky Mandarin Fish and Stinky Tofu are both underestimated delicacy. The smellier the food is, the more delicious it tastes.
The authentically flavored mandarin fish must be pickled first. Then, put the fish into a hot pan containing cold oil, and fry it until it turns brown. After that, flavor it with specially-made soup, simmer it for several minutes, and turn to high heat until all sauce is absorbed. Now you have a plate of delicious mandarin fish.
Almost all foodies cannot resist the temptation of Stinky Tofu. Take a bite of the golden tofu topped off with red chili sauce, and it will definitely tickle your taste buds for being crispy outside but tender inside.
绿树丛荫、沟壑纵横、气候宜人的徽州自然环境,为徽菜提供了不尽的原料,石斑鱼便是大自然的馈赠。石斑鱼的做法有多种,经过汪志国的创新,一道让人见之不忘的“书香石斑鱼”面世了。取野生石斑鱼12 条,处理干净后,打花刀腌渍入味,在炭火炉上烘至肉质酥香,表皮金黄时,用锡纸包好,再裹以牛皮纸点缀。这道造型优雅、酥香爽口的菜,就这样,先从外形上征服你,再从味道上俘获你。
Grouper, Gyrophora, and Chukar are all gifts from nature. The first recommended special is Steamed Grouper. It has unique appearance and delicious taste. Another dish with Anhui’ssignature is Stewed Duck with Gyrophora, which is very nutritious because Gyrophora can also be taken as a tonic. The third Anhui-featured dish, Braised Chukar in Soy Sauce, will be the best option for you if you prefer strong salty flavor.
图片:李慧 黄洋洋